She sent me a hilarious selfie of herself, sitting on the bathroom floor, looking like she was completely freaking out. I know I was more than a bit. She had poured so much loving attention into creating the site! Would folks pay attention? Read it?


By Marcee Murray King

I was an hour late with the launch of The Tattooed Buddha. Of course. Who could possibly expect me to track time?

Midnight was the magic hour chosen. Dana and I had messaged and messaged about it. We had talked on the phone about it. I couldn’t believe she was doing it, but I was willing to help any way I could. I was holding it in my heart, putting love and intent into the site, and getting ready to start the big sharing of the website address on Facebook. January 1st at midnight. Very auspicious, we thought.

She sent me a hilarious selfie of herself, sitting on the bathroom floor, looking like she was completely freaking out. I know I was more than a bit. She had poured so much loving attention into creating the site! Would folks pay attention? Read it?

Sigh. I was exhausted. Hadn’t slept enough lately. I went to take a nap, setting my alarm clock to wake me up at 11:45pm so I could hit that little post button on Facebook.

The alarm went off, and I opened Facebook back up, got the site address, was ready to share at midnight…and I saw that it had already been shared! 45 minutes ago! What gives, Dana? Why did she share early?

Right. She lives in Ohio. I am in Wisconsin. Different time zones. Duh. Central Time it’s only launch, I guess, courtesy of me. I can never track time.

It has been so lovely to be a part of TTB from when it was just a glimmer, watch Dana work through challenges and struggles and see where it is today. The site has been blessed with lovely pieces, amazing writers and all around fabulous people.

Here’s to another five years!


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