We reserve the right to accept or deny any articles submitted to us. Please submit only original content written by you. In some cases we may re-publish articles. In the event your article has been published elsewhere, please include the original link with the submission. It is up to the author to contact the original site where the piece was published in order to get permission from said site.
Any images submitted must be royalty free and include the link where the image was found. Editors reserve the right to choose a different image. Editors also reserve the right to change or modify titles and edit the piece for grammar and flow.
Links to other sites
In some instances a link to another site is appropriate, informative and helpful. The Tattooed Buddha and the editors of our site reserve the right to include or exclude any links to articles. We do not include links to Amazon Affiliate sites.
Re-publishing your work
If you would like to re-publish any of the work you have written for us, we ask that you please link your work back to our site in order to credit where it was originally published.
By submitting your piece, you have given us the right to edit, publish and share it on any social medium. We are always willing to work with writers in the event they should have suggestions or improvements that can be made, but we reserve the right to all final decisions.
Your work is permanent
The Tattooed Buddha does not remove articles. Once we hit publish it is there. If you are unsure about whether or not you would like to have something public, please don’t submit it for publication.