Category: Family & Parenting

Remember to Be Mindful on Vacation

We’ve forgotten how to just be in the world. Vacation needs to be about rest, relaxation, actually enjoying myself instead of rushing everywhere to see this or experience that.

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The Ending of Things

So how do we deal with the endings that are hard? How do we accept the endings that are bittersweet or the ones we see are coming?

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Parenting as a Jehovah’s Witness and Regrets

Witnesses don’t celebrate holidays, but did you know they also don’t celebrate birthdays?

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Bathing Babies for World Peace

She explained to me that when the Buddha was born, he shot out of his mom’s side.She used her hands to demonstrate something that resembled a grenade launch from her rib cage. Then she told me that the baby came out walking and talking.

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Rethinking Attachment

I’d say that we may not need to let go of the things we’re attached to but should focus on seeing how our attachments affect our lives and often control us.

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