Claire Parsons — The Bodhisattva of Power Suits

Claire E. Parsons is a practicing lawyer in the Cincinnati, Ohio area, and the mom of two girls. She was blessed with an incredibly energetic and verbal mind that helped her get good grades and perform well as a lawyer. For most of her life, it also filled her with anxiety, spiked into bouts of depression, and fed her imposter syndrome and perfectionism.

When Claire became a mom, she realized she wanted to pass on her love of words and stories to her kids, but not her self-absorption, overwhelm, and despair. She started meditating to manage stress and curb overthinking, but the practice changed her life. Over time, she got training and began teaching other lawyers and professionals about mindfulness. She founded the blog, Brilliant Legal Mind, and has written two books, How to Be a Badass Lawyer, and Mommy Needs a Minute. Claire tries not to be boring and sometimes stumbles into humor but she confesses that the best social media platform to find her is LinkedIn.


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