The Tattooed Buddha strives to be a platform for the spiritual misfits and contemplative rebels. We aim to promote peace and educate through writing, workshops and community. We offer a dialogue that is aware and awake to the reality of our present day, tackling issues of community, environment and compassionate living.

Just an Ordinary Jane Looking for a Little Zen, The Yoga Slut


A Mindful Berean


The Bodhisattva of Power Suits


Loving Thoughts From Nowhere


Living the Dharma: Stories of Everyday Life


The Renegade Buddhist


Buddha School Dropout


One Deep Breath of Dharma

  • Buddhism
  • Right Livelihood
  • Addiction & Recovery
  • Reviews

What’s Gained in Loss

Loss seldom happens all at once. It’s a movement, an emptying that takes something away bit by bit until there’s nothing left to take apart but the memory. Like a cup made of ice melting into itself. The whole world, the entire cosmos… statues of melting ice. 

A Lawyer and a Tattooed Buddha Hang Out on a Blog

Lots of people now ask me how I make teaching mindfulness, writing, and practicing law, fit. Perhaps it is because of my copious life experience feeling like I don’t fit in, but I am comfortable with this question. In fact, it is one of my favorites.

The American Buddhist


Cultivating Peace Under Lock and Key

  • Beginner Meditation
  • Advanced Meditation

Tonglen for LA

If we don’t look the homeless man in the eyes we don’t have to face his humanity. It’s so much easier to cross the street, to bury ourselves in some other mind numbing distraction from the realities that others are facing. To turn away. There is a Buddhist practice called Tonglen, which is the exact opposite of turning away.

A Good Resolution : Attention First

If they have convinced us that enlightenment (however it is conceived) is something we have to strive for, with a lot of painful sitting and obeisance to a "master," let me give us the good news. They are completely wrong. Maybe, at last, this is a message we can all accept.

  • Empower Me
  • Yoga
  • Meditation 101


  • Family & Parenting
  • Relationships
  • Interfaith
  • Wellness
  • Health and diet
  • Environment
  • The Faces of Meditation