The Tattooed Buddha strives to be a platform for the spiritual misfits and contemplative rebels. We aim to promote peace and educate through writing, workshops and community. We offer a dialogue that is aware and awake to the reality of our present day, tackling issues of community, environment and compassionate living.
Just an Ordinary Jane Looking for a Little Zen, The Yoga Slut
LatestThe Ending of Things
So how do we deal with the endings that are hard? How do we accept the endings that are bittersweet or the ones we see are coming?
A Mindful Berean
Latest11 Ways to Be a Light in the Darkness
At the end of his life, Buddha encouraged his followers to be lights unto themselves because his light was about to go out and there was still plenty of path they needed to walk.
The Bodhisattva of Power Suits
LatestDon’t Turn the TV Off at Halftime: Kendrick Lamar May Teach a Lesson about Anger
The rap battle between Kendrick and Drake shows the power of anger. In anticipation of Lamar's Super Bowl appearance, this post explores how Lamar processed the anger on his latest album, GNX.
Loving Thoughts From Nowhere
LatestA Good Resolution : Attention First
If they have convinced us that enlightenment (however it is conceived) is something we have to strive for, with a lot of painful sitting and obeisance to a "master," let me give us the good news. They are completely wrong. Maybe, at last, this is a message we can all accept.
Living the Dharma: Stories of Everyday Life
LatestThe Girl Who Runs Up The Stairs: How This Horror Movie Trope Helps Us Cope with Political Chaos
You don’t have to stop a raging river. You can be a boat that helps someone across it. You don’t have to change the world. You just need to show up and make a difference where you can.
The Renegade Buddhist
LatestWhich Seeds Do I Water? Yogacara and Connecting It All
By Johnathon Lee I sat on break, broken by emotional agony, thinking, “I don’t...
Buddha School Dropout
LatestTrauma, Grieving and the Root of Suffering
Because a lotus will not thrive in clear water, it needs the mud in order to bloom.
One Deep Breath of Dharma
LatestWith So Many Talking, Who Do We Listen To?
Now here is the tough advice from another sutta in the collection. What do we do with this person, since we have determined that they are not a person to be listened to?
- Buddhism
- Right Livelihood
- Addiction & Recovery
- Reviews
What’s Gained in Loss
Loss seldom happens all at once. It’s a movement, an emptying that takes something away bit by bit until there’s nothing left to take apart but the memory. Like a cup made of ice melting into itself. The whole world, the entire cosmos… statues of melting ice.
A Lawyer and a Tattooed Buddha Hang Out on a Blog
Lots of people now ask me how I make teaching mindfulness, writing, and practicing law, fit. Perhaps it is because of my copious life experience feeling like I don’t fit in, but I am comfortable with this question. In fact, it is one of my favorites.
What to Do With This New You
My recovery/mental health/self-care outlook now is simple: every big thing is made of lots of little things.
Forget the Stages, Find a Path: Review of The Poetry of Grief, Gratitude, and Reverence, edited by John Brehm
John Brehm’s lovely The Poetry of Grief, Gratitude, and Reverence is a collection of work by people who get it and know how to share it.
The American Buddhist
LatestSaving the World is Hard (But We Can Start by Making the Bed)
In the face of so much madness doing little things to care for ourselves and others seems unimportant.
Holly is Not Broken, She is Breaking Through
LatestJust Breathe, Holly
Nobody ever told me about breathing SLOWLY before.
Cultivating Peace Under Lock and Key
LatestWait: A Love Letter to Those in Despair {Book Review}
By Acharya Samaneti I have to admit that I have a soft spot for dhamma teachers that are,...
- Beginner Meditation
- Advanced Meditation
Tonglen for LA
If we don’t look the homeless man in the eyes we don’t have to face his humanity. It’s so much easier to cross the street, to bury ourselves in some other mind numbing distraction from the realities that others are facing. To turn away. There is a Buddhist practice called Tonglen, which is the exact opposite of turning away.
A Good Resolution : Attention First
If they have convinced us that enlightenment (however it is conceived) is something we have to strive for, with a lot of painful sitting and obeisance to a "master," let me give us the good news. They are completely wrong. Maybe, at last, this is a message we can all accept.
Addiction & Recovery
LatestWhat to Do With This New You
My recovery/mental health/self-care outlook now is simple: every big thing is made of lots of little things.
- Empower Me
- Yoga
- Meditation 101
Being Thankful During Hard Times
By Johnathon Lee A lot of people are going to be asking themselves, “What is there to be...
Choosing to Run Toward (not Away) from Pain
By Robert Butler When I was 19 years old, I joined a Krishna ashram. Searching eagerly for...
The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD by Lidia Zylowska, MD {Book Review}
While of course the perspective of science in the Mindfulness Prescription is beneficial, I was also glad that the book wasn’t just science. Each chapter and each practice was embedded in a story from life to exemplify its significance and utility.
LatestSitting Down with Ethan Nichtern about Confidence and His Latest Book
Ethan Nichtern is the author of Confidence: Holding Your Seat through Life’s Eight Worldly Winds and several other titles, including the widely acclaimed The Road Home.
- News & Politics
The Thing Within Us That Lives Off Conflict
Like cats, looking for a fight, we have a thing within us that lives off of conflict.
- Family & Parenting
- Relationships
- Interfaith
Remember to Be Mindful on Vacation
We've forgotten how to just be in the world. Vacation needs to be about rest, relaxation, actually enjoying myself instead of rushing everywhere to see this or experience that.
What is Love? Do You Believe in Love?
Nazareth sang about how Love Hurts. J Geils Band sang about how Love Stinks. Tina Turner asked, What’s Love Got to Do With It, insisting it’s just a second-hand emotion. We often speak from a place of pain.
11 Ways to Be a Light in the Darkness
At the end of his life, Buddha encouraged his followers to be lights unto themselves because his light was about to go out and there was still plenty of path they needed to walk.
- Wellness
- Health and diet
- Environment
Autistic with ADHD: Is Meditation Possible?
By Johnathon Lee Everyone struggles with meditation, but ADHD can turn it into an all-out...
Easy Vegan Cream Cheese Made from Nuts
By Marcee Murray King When I became vegan, one of the biggest challenges was having to...
The Reason I Talk to Animals (I’m Not Dr. Doolitle)
By David Jones We have two cats at home, a couple of dogs and a visiting dog who I call the...
- The Faces of Meditation
Snapshots of Meditation: Deb Taylor
I used to roll out of bed and meditate in my room. However, in August of 2020, my boy died in his...