Category: Featured

The Day I Broke Noble Silence (With Andrew Dice Clay)

Yes. I had just quoted the opening line of a dirty 1980s limerick. In a Buddhist silent retreat.

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Buddhist Spooky Stories: How the Buddha Faced Challenges {Part One}

The focus is on the lessons from these stories, how they support us and that basically Buddhism and meditation can really handle a lot more than we sometimes imagine.

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The Dharma of a Pendulum

Once we realize that every political decision can be reversed or muted by time or vote or lawsuit, a lot of the stress eases. Then whether your side wins or loses, you can still be okay.

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The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD by Lidia Zylowska, MD {Book Review}

While of course the perspective of science in the Mindfulness Prescription is beneficial, I was also glad that the book wasn’t just science. Each chapter and each practice was embedded in a story from life to exemplify its significance and utility.

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