Author: Anne Heerdt

With So Many Talking, Who Do We Listen To?

Now here is the tough advice from another sutta in the collection. What do we do with this person, since we have determined that they are not a person to be listened to?

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Buddhist Spooky Stories: Understanding and Facing Fear {Part Three}

When I read these stories in the suttas it seems so calm and easy. The Buddha just handles it. However, I do not just handle it as easily.

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Buddhist Spooky Stories: Spirits, Monks and the Metta Sutta {Part Two}

For context, the metta phrases follow a pattern of saying phrases to yourself, to a mentor, to loved ones, to a neutral person and even to challenging people. The phrases are may I be happy, may I be healthy, may you be at ease and so on.

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Buddhist Spooky Stories: How the Buddha Faced Challenges {Part One}

The focus is on the lessons from these stories, how they support us and that basically Buddhism and meditation can really handle a lot more than we sometimes imagine.

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Skillful and Unskillful Perfectionism in Buddhist Practice

I have struggled with trying to be more perfect. I would love a clean house, plants that were not brown tipped, a work life where I made no mistakes and of course amazing meditation practice.

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