Category: A Mindful Berean

Right Thinking and the Punna Sutta: What to Do When We Come Across Hostility

Punna’s solution to the challenge of living around uncivilized people wasn’t to judge them or to avoid them. He was determined to go down there and help folks sync up with their Buddha Nature.

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Olympic Outrage at the Drag Last Supper: Enraged is Engaged

Controversies are like viruses, and they grow and spread the same way. The infection of a mere few can erupt into a full-blown pandemic of outrage as millions mindlessly comment and react, spreading the contagion.

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A Mindful Touch

Mindfulness allows me to touch everything and everyone when I become aware of them and honor that bond. Even in my ignorance I’m connected to the entire universe and all that exists in it.

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9 Reminders from a Recovering Helper

I must manage myself. I’ve suffered from White Knight Syndrome in the past. I need to remember balance when aiding others.

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