By Gerry Ellen
Something wonderful occurred recently, and there is not one doubt in my mind it had everything to do with rescuing my dog.
I feel like a new mom and a proud parent when he engages in the outdoors and every person that crosses our path. I think back to all of the previous dogs I grew up with, cared for, wrote about and although it has been five years since the death of my last pup companion, I knew deep in my heart that this soulful little creature came to me at just the right time.
There is an understanding that rescuing a dog brings about more gratitude from the canine in all imaginable ways, yet down to my very core, my not-so-typical dog rescued me.
What does that even mean? What actually happens to our bodies when we come to the aid of an animal in distress, or we help another person in need, or we go above and beyond in community service or worldwide fundraisers to elicit attention to a cause?
A shift happens, that’s what—a shift of gigantic and conscious proportions; a shift in our thinking and all-encompassing emotional state that pulls us out of our own self for many moments, to sink our teeth into the world around.
We have the most unbelievable capacity to create every day in our life as we see fit. No other soul can do such a thing. It is unmistakably our experience to shift every course of our paths, with merely a change in thinking and feeling.
After I left Austin six months ago, and embarked on what felt like another leg of my journey, I never once had any regrets. The one person I left behind, who is still very much in my life in a respectful and supportive way, is all part of this shift.
Dreams are manifesting and problems are moving behind us, in a collective consciousness manner.
There is a link between all the chakras that are connecting every aspect of our world, and it is harmonious and balancing and coming into a whole new order. It’s all about giving and receiving and remaining in our heart centers with love. This shift in our underbelly from years past is now in the upper core of our being.
It is such an incredible beginning, and one that goes way beyond what we might see on the outside.
Helping others, whether animal or human, is what and who we were designed to do and be. The simplicity of giving, knowing full well the emotional response felt on both ends is a magical experience. Throw competition out the window!
We each have a path. We each have a mission.
We each have so much light within us, there is no more room to suppress or abandon our flicker. Because you know what, that flicker is now a full-blown rising flame casting its heat and power and exceptional spell on us all.
My little guy, with all his quirkiness and random acts of big teeth smiles, can light up a room. He certainly lit up my heart, and he and I together are engaging in spreading more happiness and wellness into some lives that might need an uplift of their own, however that may look.
This current shift taking place in our world is undeniably the brightest and most soulful and is spanning generations past to become the greatest moment of today.
And that moment is now.
Gerry Ellen is an author, freelance writer, and all-around creative soul. She enjoys sharing her experiences of life, love, and all things meaningful and healthy through words and images. Besides being a regular contributor to Meet Mindful, Be You Media Group, and Rebelle Society, she has been featured on elephant journal and Light Workers World. Gerry Ellen considers her love of nature and the outdoors, heart-centered connections, friends and family, and traveling to explore and expand as the epicenter of her world. It gives her the biggest smile, as she is finding more aliveness in her second half of life. She has written two books, Ripple Effects (March 2012) and A Big Piece of Driftwood (April 2014). Both are available on
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Editor: Dana Gornall
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- Our Planet of Discernment & Abundance. - March 20, 2016
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