Here, I can just be me.


By Marcee Murray King


I call this my “sit spot.”

When I moved here almost 20 years ago, I placed the triangle rock I had carried in my move to Wisconsin here to sit upon. This nook at the base of the cottonwood in the tree line by my house was perfect for it.

This spot grew.

Fallen branches became gentle walls around the perimeter. Crystals mark the four quarters. Bloodroot, trillium, blue cohosh, dandelion. A few short steps from my home, and I am surrounded by nature. Here, I practice my quiet listening, cradled by my tree.

Here, I can just be me.


Want to be a part of our Faces of Meditation Project? Send us a photo and short story of when you started your practice and a little bit about who you are to!


Photo: Marcee Murray King

