I often question why it is so easy to get taken down or to feel so worthless, but so hard to stay in a “state of bliss.”


By Kim Buskala 

 Happiness is a “state of mind” we can choose.

Many times I have found myself depressed, and feeling as though there is nowhere else for me to go.  Often I don’t even give the idea of this being a state of mind a second thought; rather I just accept my demise and continue falling deeper into the pit—the pit of self-pity.

Without further ado, I have learned there is a brighter side to life, free for the taking. Just take a look at all those beautiful babies, puppies, kittens, chickies going peep peep peep. How can they not bring a smile to your face? I have reached a point where I can just imagine them holding a joyous space for me cooing, licking, playing, drooling, getting my center of attention and Wa-lah , even if just for a moment, I’ve felt joy, a sense of refresh.

I often question why it is so easy to get taken down or to feel so worthless, but so hard to stay in a “state of bliss.”  Sometimes I get the feeling society may think I’ve lost my mind or think I am on really good drugs if I am always happy, but in reality how can you not join in on the gloom and doom if you look around? It’s everywhere.  

But so is the happiness.  

I guess that is probably why I choose to spend so much time in nature, where freedom exists.  The trees, rocks and rivers coexisting right there without too much care. Oh yes, if you take the time to look closely you will find some joyous invaders claiming their territory, finding their pride. So alive!

I know it isn’t that easy and if it were, why wouldn’t we all be doing it (just thinking happy thoughts)?  On a scale of 1 to 10 I would say 7 out of 10 times I am feeling more depressed than happy but that number is ever changing. I know how much relief just a moment of joy can supply.  

So not only do I take the time to find ways to resupply my life in joy, but I also find ways to share it.  

It is amazing that just a simple things like a smile can brighten someones day, or taking the time to visit a shut in, acknowledging a person living on the street—small acts of kindness.  Listening and hearing someone’s moment of joy and taking it to another level. The gift of a smile returning to someones face is irreplaceable and so I cry tears of joy, which often turns into tears of sadness, which often can make me depressed to think that our world is in such a “state of denial.”  

The circle of life goes on and on; it’s just learning how to find some balance in an unbalanced society.

Take the bull by the horns and don’t forget to dance. Speak out, reach out and Cha cha cha. And when all else fails do the hokey pokey (preferably with a group of people) because it’s always more fun.


Kim Buskala resides in Northern Minnesota along with her husband, her daughter, a cat and a pug. She is a proud mother of two girls and has had the privilege to be a stay-at-home parent. This also allowed her the time to be available for her aging parents. She has a passion for nature and everything art. Her love for music and the desire to move her body to the rhythms brought her to JourneyDance, where she is a certified facilitator.

Through dance her eyes where opened to the beauty within, which revealed her ability to write and draw. Poetry flooded to her one early morning, shortly after the death or her mother and hasn’t stopped. Writing has been an outlet for self expression and gives her the confidence to share with others in hopes that they, too, can find their voice through creativity. She is a contributor to Journey of the Heart poetry and a featured writer in Where Journeys Meet. Kim is on a road to self discovery, willing to face the challenges life has to offer, with ease and grace, as best she can. The love to connect with others near and far is always a driving force. To travel the seven seas from coast to coast is a dream within reach. Life is worth living even if it is just in the mind’s eye. The imagination holds magic, which is the key, to opening many doors.


Photo: (source)

Editor: Dana Gornall

