Dru Peers

By Dru Peers


I first heard about meditation over the radio.

A Buddhist monk was talking about the mind being a “still forest pool” where many animals came to drink, but in itself is always calm. Suffering from acute existential angst at the time, I bought a DIY book on meditation and sat twice a day, every day, for half an hour. I am now a meditation teacher in the Celtic Buddhist tradition and more chilled about it.

Meditation remains an excellent practice but I now know that it cannot by itself undo the ego. A replacement thought system is needed to free ourselves from the ego’s thought system, even though the latter can sometimes sound very spiritual. In 2011, after 21 years in a Trappist monastery, I left the silence of the enclosure, intent on helping others. I founded the Order of the Longing Look, which encourages meditation but also describes the thought system that will help more effectively to peel off the onion layers of ego, thereby freeing us more quickly into the limitless peace and innocence we already are.


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