This is the new meditation retreat, also shared with my cat Catlyn and her tree house, in a room with windows on two walls. It faces the woods behind my house, where birds, squirrels, rabbits and hawks reside. It is also my yoga “studio.”


By Julia Prentice

I set up my altar yesterday.

The table had had things placed on it that were not relevant and the room had piles of old pots and pans. Organizing is a go-to distraction when energy and time are present. In the center is the singing bowl I bought from Spirit Rock Insight Meditation center, with it’s teal safu.

The candle in the jar is a remembrance candle for my sister-in-law with sand and shells from her memorial celebration on a beach in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Stones from various places I have lived, candles homemade by hubby and my Quan Yin globe are also there.

This is the new meditation retreat, also shared with my cat Catlyn and her tree house, in a room with windows on two walls. It faces the woods behind my house, where birds, squirrels, rabbits and hawks reside. It is also my yoga “studio.”

My practice of meditation and yoga is renewed, encouraged by distancing and allergies that make it difficult for outside retreat. I’ve turned to positive input to counteract the negative energies and inner angst I feel deeply. I feel connected to all, and to others in our interdependent web of which we are all a part.

To all, Namaste and Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.



From the Connecticut originally, Julia now lives in North Carolina, US with her soulmate and their furry companion. Past careers include ASL interpreting, preschool teaching and tutoring. Currently she is a passionate Peer Supporter of persons with mental health challenges, a certified W.R.A.P. Facilitator and Certified Peer Specialist. In her spare time she’s a writer, knitter, crafter and singer. Her poetry is published in seven books, and several blogs. 


Photo: author’s own

Editor: Dana Gornall


Do you have an altar you would like to share and be a part of the Sacred Little Altar series?

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